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The audit will be timeboxes to three months.

  • First month: gather information and do the analysis.
  • Second month: write the report and recommendations.
  • Third month: report and discuss the findings and start the five step plan.

Five step plan

The improvements will be a bespoke five stap plan that will be tailored to the company's needs and goals. The plan will be based on the findings of the audit and will be presented in the report. Recommendations will be broken down per team, and also make individual recommendations for each team member in certain cases.

During the five stap plan we will check in with the company on a regular basis to make sure that the plan is being followed and that the company is on track to reach the goals that have been set.

Our recommendation is also the five steps should be strictly time boxed to avoid indivudals or teams to get stuck, go off on a tangent or in the worst case scenario hinder progress.

The five steps

Every single aspect of this will be tailored to the company in question. But the tooling, methods, processes and technologies will be or very close to the current best practices.

Step 1

Training and knowledge sharing will be done by our experts in the areas that have been identified as lacking. This will be done in a way that will not hinder the company's day to day operations. But we will also work with our training partners to work out a training plan that will be tailored to the company's needs and goals.

Step 2

Use the training and newly aquired knowledge to improve the current state and focus on low hanging fruit and early wins. Focus here is to make everybody exicting about the process and the new way of working..

Step 3

Now it's time to rebuild, refactor and remake current systems and processes. This is where the real work starts and where the company will start to see the benefits of the new way of working.

Step 4

Now it's time to start to look at the future and start to plan for the future. This is where we will start to look at new technologies and how they can be used to improve the company's current state. This is where the value will come 10x.

Step 5

Time to do a retrospect with us and our team to see what went well and what could be improved and where we will work with a multi year stategy to make sure that the company will stay on track and keep improving.